The Dustmatic is an efficient and user-friendly dust suction drawer.
- Operation is fully automatic: on starting the micromotor, the drawer starts operating; on stopping the micromotor, suction will switch off after 20 seconds.
- Ergonomic design and construction
- Beech wood working surface giving it a modern look and allowing for comfortable working.
- Silent, powerful and maintenance-free low-pressure induction motor.
- Large, easy-to-change, filter bags (according to international standards).
- Conveniently-sized drawer which can be fitted under lab workbenches.
- Low operational costs.
- Easy to install
- Requires no special tools or training
- Dental
- Earphones manufacturer
- Artificial Eye manufacturer
- Archaeology Laboratory
- Beauty manicure
- Jewellery manufacturer.
Suction drawer complete with micro-respirable dust filter bag & protective panel.