Pendulum Slip Testing in Sports Stadiums

Perhaps the busiest of all environments, if only for a few hours at a time, stadiums bring together tens of thousands of pedestrians, food and drink, tiered seating and (one would hope!) a distracting environment.  The need for effective risk management in this environment is clear if slips and associated claims are to be minimised.

Completely independent slip testing

Munro have worked in some of the most prestigious sporting venues across the country, providing management, contractors or insurers with the data required to make informed decisions regarding slip risk.  Our offering of completely impartial and unbiased testing, possible because we don’t provide or profit from any anti-slip solutions, coupled with a robust assessment of the same level we provide to the court in personal injury cases, makes us the ideal choice for those responsible for the uniquely challenging stadium environment.

Pendulum Slip Resistance Tester

Munro can provide a package to suit your needs, whether it’s an estate-wide risk assessment, or dispute resolution of a single problem surface.  We provide a comprehensive report that goes beyond simple test data and incorporates the HSE’s Slips Potential Model to form the basis of a slip risk assessment.  Our nature as a test facility rather than a cleaning or anti-slip contractor means we can recommend any necessary improvements with total impartiality, ensuring we lead our clients towards the most cost-effective solutions rather than benefiting ourselves.

Whether you are seeking to dent the accident claims from visitors or ensure the very expensive bodies of world-class athletes don’t get damaged on your watch, the same principle of expert impartial risk assessment applies.   With the right test data, interpreted correctly, cost-effective improvements, and subsequent management, you can reduce the risk of slipping in your premises to a legal minimum.

Why it is important to perform a slip test in stadiums

Stadiums in the UK usually hold thousands of people who move about in close proximity to each other. Slipping and falling can result in many injuries and result in civil or criminal court proceedings. Proper slip risk assessment can prevent slipping and associated lawsuits.

Munro’s extensive experience in conducting slip risk assessment to exacting standards in a wide range of environments makes us an excellent ally in your efforts to reduce slip accidents in a airport setting.  Our risk assessment slip tests are conducted to the same standard as those we produce for the court in slip and fall legal claims, we don’t benefit from any anti-slip products or solutions, and all works are conducted in accordance with the Health and Safety Executive’s preferred method the BS 7976-2 Pendulum to UKSRG Guidelines.

Pendulum Slip Testing in Sports Stadiums

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