Wind Direction Dial

The scale Presents a full circle marked off in 5° intervals and numbered every 30°. The four main cardinal points are shown, ie N.S.E.W. Signals indicating the direction of the wind are received from the sensor, to move the pointer accordingly.

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Wind Direction Dial

The direction indicator is housed in a circular moulded bakelite case and a dual positionable flange allows for it to be flush panel or wall-mounted. This case is similar to the speed indicator case .

The scale Presents a full circle marked off in 5° intervals and numbered every 30°. The four main cardinal points are shown, ie N.S.E.W.

The IM120A the case contains a magslip receiver which is powered by 50 volts AC and accepts signals from the transmit magslip in the form of a synchronous link. Therefore, this receiver magslip follows the movement of the transmit magslip in the sensors indicating the direction of the wind. The position of the pointer on the magslip spindle is factory set and needs no further adjustment when installed. COMPATIBLE WITH THE IM146 ONLY

The IM125A the case contains a magnetic encoder receiver which is energised by 50 volts AC and accepts signals from the transmit magnetic encoder in the form of a synchronous link. Therefore, this receiver magnetic encoder follows the movement of the transmit magnetic encoder in the sensors indicating the direction of the wind. The position of the pointer on the magnetic encoder spindle is factory set and needs no further adjustment when installed. COMPATIBLE WITH THE IM147 ONLY

Wind Direction Dial


Additional information


IM125A – Magslip receiver IM146 ONLY, IM120A – Magnetic encoder reciever IM147 ONLY

Product Specifications


Range 0° to 360°

Cardinal points or 0°-180°-0°

Accuracy ±1 °
Dimensions 113 mm (H)

Case diameter: 115 mm,

Flange diameter: 158 mm

Dial aperture: 111mm

Weight 1.4kg
Fixing details 4 x 4 mm holes On 146 mm PCD


IM125A Datasheet