Reducing Slip Risk – Wet Leisure, Pools & Changing Rooms

Wet leisure environments are perhaps some of the most challenging when it comes to providing safe surfaces. We are often asked to assess areas in this environment which are subject to frequent uncontrollable water contamination, wet bare feet and a combination of body fats, soaps/detergents and calcium deposits. Assessed surfaces fall broadly into two categories, those that offered a suitable level of grip when new, and those which have been incorrectly specified and never offered safe grip levels. We do occasionally find surfaces comfortably exceeding 36PTV, usually as a direct product of an excellent cleaning regime.


Surfaces which once offered safe levels of grip but now fail to do so are relatively easily cured. Crucial in maintaining slip resistance is an effective cleaning regime, ensuring that the surface profile is kept free from dirt. A clean surface will generally offer a greater roughness than a dirty one, providing an escape route for the high pressure lubricating film generated in a wet slip. If the fluid film can be dispersed there will be a greater contact between sole and floor and better grip. This is especially important in areas like showers where a higher viscosity film may be generated by soaps. Cleaning processes should incorporate an effective cleaning product with sufficient dwell time, agitation to lift dirt and a rinse process to ensure dirt is removed. Pushing a sodden mop over a surface is wholly ineffective.

slip resistant surface

If you have been unlucky enough to inherit an aesthetically pleasing but woefully slippery floor you are by no means alone. Ultimately, by the very nature of the wet leisure environment, the only practical way to reliably reduce the risk of slipping would be through improvement to the floor surface. Keeping changing areas as dry as possible, preventing running/horseplay and conducting wet clean processes on closed surfaces are all good practices but no substitute for a safe slip resistant surface. There are a plethora of anti-slip treatments available, ranging widely in both cost and effectiveness. Before you decide on treatment it would be prudent to determine what the existing slip resistance values of your floor are, as treatment may not be necessary. We can provide an expert independent assessment and, if your floors do fail to meet the required 36+PTV, provide details of products we have found effective on similar surfaces. As we are completely independent from any anti-slip products/solutions you can be sure any recommendations are unbiased, driven by your requirements rather than profit margins. Whilst any treatment should ensure a compliant surface, this surface must be maintained with a suitably effective cleaning regime in order to preserve anti-slip properties over time.

Pendulum slip test

After any treatment, or improvement to cleaning regime, a full BS 7976-2 Pendulum slip test is recommended to ensure documented evidence of a safe surface. We regularly work on personal injury cases where the slip has occurred 2 to 4 years previously. Whilst our expert independent reports carry great weight in the court, a similarly detailed independent Pendulum slip test report generated closer to the time of the slip would provide evidence of much greater quality.

A proactive approach to slip risk assessment can prevent unnecessary accidents, ensure a robust defence against any slip claims and provide valuable information on the effect of cleaning regimes on the slip resistance of the surface. For those seeking compliant surfaces and defence against slip and fall claims, our service is an ideal starting point. Our prices are competitive nationwide, our advice impartial, and our reports regularly used in the defence/prosecution of personal injury cases.

Reducing Slip Risk – Wet Leisure, Pools & Changing Rooms


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