The Importance Of Contamination In Slip Testing

The standard BS 7676 Pendulum slip test includes measurements taken in both dry and “contaminated” conditions. The default contaminant is water, but if other liquid, semi-solid, powdered or granulated substances are expected to contaminate the floor then these can be used in the test instead of, or in addition to, water to produce a more representative result.

Testing in this manner produces a far more accurate indication of slip risk, as a floor that demonstrates a high PTV in water wet conditions will not necessarily produce a high PTV when tested with a more viscous liquid.

MUNRO staff recently conducted a large number of tests at a food manufacturing plant. The client considered it important that the testing measured real-world slip risk in the various areas of their premises. We therefore identified specific contaminants found on, or likely to be found on, the floors and included them in the tests.

Contaminants used in tests included:

Ketchup, tomato pulp, brown sauce and mayonnaise in the main production areas

Glucose syrup, rapeseed oil and powdered sugar in the stores and ingredient weigh stations.

Gear oil in the maintenance workshop

Liquid hand soap at the hand wash points

Water by the water cooler in the canteen.

A wide range of Pendulum Test Values (PTV) were obtained, encompassing low, moderate and high risk of slip as defined by the HSE. The use of local contaminants ensured an accurate reflection of slip risk in each area, and served to highlight the importance of contamination control as a first step towards reducing slip risk.


Our test data, Slip Risk Assessment and impartial recommendations allowed problem areas to be addressed in a cost-effective manner whilst not expending time and resources on floors that were already safe for their current uses. Our strict adherence to BS7976, HSE and UKSRG guidelines meant we provided the client with a comprehensive report on slip risk, a document that demonstrates duty of care and gives an indisputable measure of slip resistance should the unfortunate occur.

MUNRO Ltd provide impartial independent slip testing service to a wide range of industries. For help, advice and testing don’t hesitate to get in touch.

The Importance Of Contamination In Slip Testing

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